Summer Day, Summer Night (1)

I can hear the crickets through the open windows. Sofia is snoozing in the bathroom sink. (I almost yelped the first time I walked in and saw her there, so unexpected, like finding a tiger in the bathtub.) Sable is asleep at the foot of the bed. My eyes are heavy, but I want to post this tonight. April 8th, a summer night for anywhere normal. I’m not used to the heat yet, so today’s 96 degrees or so felt hot, but the night is gentle, soothing warmth. Long luxurious day but going since early morning. Qi gong class, then celebrating my birthday with Mami and Auntie Gardi, then easy weekly grading and finishing my four daily things. The three of us walked to lunch, my yummy yellow lentil dal. Opened presents under the umbrella here in our courtyard, all bright colors, paper and fabrics, yellow tulips, orange star flowers in the red and orange metal pot. I made iced coffee, and they oohed and ahhhed the garden, enjoyed “my” birds. I think it was a grosbeak who came to the small tray feeder, then hopped into the palo verde before he flew away. I read they were passing through. Sofia played with the ties of Auntie Gardi’s blouse, cheered us all to see it. Mami got teary when they left. I remember crying every time I drove away from her house. I’d forgotten. Now she drives me to the train station. Their visit stretched the hours, no rushing, like summer days as a kid. Now I listen to the crickets in the rich dark, a sleepy, lucky 56-year-old who’s completed the first of her 56 posts.

4 thoughts on “Summer Day, Summer Night (1)

  1. colors, coffees, tiger in the tub. love how these blog entries come out, Riba.

  2. Ah, so sweet to hear this, Laurie. Of course, my critic wondered if this was all too mundane! But there was a real sweetness to the day and the night I wanted to try to get on the page. Thanks for telling me it came across a bit. :)

    I did tell myself it was perfectly appropriate for the first post to be just a jumble of things for the new “mish mash” theme for the year!

  3. Sounds like a perfect day! You paint such vivid pictures with your words Riba. Congratulations on completing no.1 :-)

  4. Thanks so much, Madhu. I can’t tell you how good it is to hear this. And, yes! It looked like it could teeter into me beginning the year already behind on my posts, but I managed to rally. I would really love to stay up to date with them this year. :)

Please feel welcome to comment. :)